30 Day Trial Day 17 - Know Yourself...

Welcome to Day 17 - To Thine Own Self Be True... So I lead off with this today with emphasis added by me. This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man [especially yourself]. - William Shakespeare Here is my list of items for today and yesterday. If you haven't had an opportunity to take a look at my super awesome post from yesterday you can view it here . know yourself This is an important trait to learn as you go through this challenge. It is so important to know who you are, how you do things, and why you do them. Knowing this allows you to streamline your processes. If you know that being tired makes you cranky than you should invest time in being well rested. If you as a husband or wife have a need of you spouse than you need to communicate it to them. This way, hopefully, they can prioritize your need into their whir...