30 Day Trial | Day 7
So we made it through the first week and now comes two very important parts to this challenge. Number One is take time out today for quiet reflection for what you have accomplished this week. You have made it through. How have things changed? How do you perceive your progress. Be honest and open with yourself. Now is the time to make adjustments to your daily actions if need be. What changes do you need to make to ensure that you make it all the way though.
I am happy for everyone that is walking with me. Here are some interesting things that I have seen on this blog in relation to the 30 Day Trial Challenge.
- Traffic has increased over the last 30 day. +300% over April (167 vs 36)
- Comments have increased. (Part of the Challenge so it is to be expected)
- Revenues have increased as well. (Not that this blog is a money maker ;) )
The Second thing that I want you to do today is make sure that you post your updates today because I will be picking one of you to receive a $10 amazon gift certificate. SO get posting and get ready for the next week.
Go Go Go!