30 Day Trial | Day 3

Welcome to Day 3: The Attitude of Gratitude

What better day than Mother's Day to talk about making a habit out of being grateful. This is a very important step in creating positive change. The realization that we have so much to be grateful for. In Proverbs 31:28 it reads,"Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her". There is something powerful about being grateful. Did you know it is impossible to be frustrated and grateful at the same time? How about Angry and Grateful? Can you feel intense hatred and gratitude towards someone? NO you cannot. So if you want to keep your focus going on your 30 Day Trial then spend time being grateful for what you have done and for the people in your life.

I recommend starting a daily gratitude list. Write down 5 things that you are grateful for in the morning and 5 at night. Ease into this, just like everything else, set a goal and work at it.
A Mother’s Prayer
"I washed the dirt from little feet, and as I wash I pray, "Lord, keep them pure and true, to walk in Your way!"

I wash the dirt from little hands, and earnestly I ask, "Lord, may they ever willing be, to do the humblest task."

I wash the dirt from little knees, and pray, "Lord, may these be the places where victories are won, and guidance sought from Thee."

I scrub the clothes that soil so soon, and pray, "May they be dressed throughout eternal ages in Your robe of Righteousness.”

Before many hours shall pass, I know I'll wash these hands again; And there'll be dirt upon their clothes before the day shall end.

But as they journey on through life and learn of want and pain, Lord, keep their precious little hearts cleansed from sin and stain!

For soap and water cannot reach where You alone can see.

Their hands and feet, these I can wash --- I trust their hearts to Thee."

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Go Go Go

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