30 Day Trial | Day 16

Welcome to Day 16 - The Buck Stop Here
I love the book The Traveler's Gift. If you haven't read I suggest that you do. It is an excellent read and has lots of good food for growth and development. It is the story of David Ponder who, while going through the darkest period in his life, takes a fantastic journey and meets some impressive people. Each on of his visits teaches him one, of what the author calls the 7 Decisions. Each Decision, once accepted begins to change his life for the better.
The first time I read this book I could not put it down. I read it almost nonstop over the course of a week. Some of the decisions had more of an impact on me than others. Yesterday's discussion on being a person of action is the one that still means the most to me. Today's decision is the next. It is also the first one in the book. It is entitled, The Buck Stops Here.
It is important to remember that we are responsible for what we do and what we feel. No one can make us do anything. Even at the point of a gun you still have a decision to make. If you understand, and most importantly, apply this then you will never be a slave to your emotions again. You can choose to let something bother you or not. You can choose to go or to stay. You can choose to act in love or hate. You Can Choose.
Choose today to make a decision and stick to it. Don't choose to let things happen to you. Not deciding is just as much a choice as deciding.
The Buck Stops HereGo Go Go
From this moment forward, I will accept responsibility for my past. I understand that the beginning of wisdom is to accept the responsibility for my own problems and that by accepting responsibility for my past, I free myself to move into a bigger, brighter future of my own choosing.
Never again will I blame my parents, my spouse, my boss, or employees for my resent situation. Neither my education or lack of one, my genetics, or the circumstantial ebb and flow of everyday life will affect my future in a negative way. If I allow myself to blame these uncontrollable forces for my lack of success, I will be forever caught in a web of the past. I will look forward. I will not let my history control my destiny.
The buck stops here. I accept responsibility for my past. I am responsible for my success. I am where I am today—mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially—because of decisions I have made. My decisions have always been governed by my thinking. Therefore, I am where I am today—mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially—because of how I think. Today I will begin the process of changing where I am—mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially—by changing the way I think.
My thoughts will be constructive, never destructive. My mind will live in the solutions of the future. It will not dwell in the problems of the past. I will seek the association of those who are working and striving to bring about positive changes in the world. I will never seek comfort by associating with those who have decided to be comfortable.
When faced with the opportunity to make a decision, I will make one. I understand that God did not put in me the ability to always make right decisions. He did, however, put in me the ability to make a decision and then make it right. The rise and fall of my emotional tide will not deter me from my course. When I make a decision, I will stand behind it. My energy will go into making the decision. I will waste none on second thoughts. My life will not be an apology. It will be a statement.
The buck stops here. I control my thoughts. I control my emotions.
In the future, when I am tempted to ask the question “Why me?”, I will immediately counter with the answer: “Why not me?” Challenges are a gift, an opportunity to learn. Problems are the common thread running through the lives of great men and women. In times of adversity, I will not have a problem to deal with, I will have a choice to make. My thoughts will be clear. I will make the right choice. Adversity is preparation for greatness. I will accept the preparation. Why me? Why not me? I will be prepared for something great!
I accept responsibility for my past. I control my thoughts. I control my emotions. I am responsible for my success.
The Buck Stops Here.