30 Day Trial | Day 30 | Finish Strong...

Congratulations To all of you who have run this race with me. I am so glad to see so many of you at the finish line. Everyone of you has shown tremendous strength getting this far and now it is time to evaluate how you are did. I mentioned yesterday about the retrospective process. This is something that I do with my coaching clients as well as in my corporate life. The beauty of this comes in its simplicity. The Retro asks three simple questions. I want each of you to ask yourself these in regards to your 30 Day Trial.
What do I want to keep?
What went well during this 30 Day Trial that I want to hold on to? What changes, feelings, ideas, do I want to incorporate into my life? For me this challenge has taught me that I can write 30 days worth of content for this site or any new site that I plan to create. I want to keep the creativity that I gained trying to come up with useful content each day. I also want to keep responding to feedback posted in the comments section.
What do I want to change?
This is usually the most contentious section of the retro. Especially if you are working with couples or teams. This question examines what did not go so well. What didn't go as planned? What could we do better. For me I would like to change the frequency that I post during this challenge. I think that 3 days would be more sustainable for me, especially as I begin to grow the number of blogs that I am writing for. I would also like to offer 2 larger prizes instead of 4 smaller ones. I also want to structure the timing for my posts. Instead of throwing them in I need to pick a time for posting each day. Maybe this can be another challenge.
What do I want to add?
This question examines if there are any new processes that need to be added to make this challenge more effective. The difference between this question and the last is these items are things that crept up during the challenge that would make this process smoother. For me I found that I need to implement themes to the challenge so that I can focus my writing for the 30 Days. This would help me develop post ideas in advance. I also want to make this process more interactive. Maybe a facebook group with message board since most of you are on Face.
The End? Or Just the Beginning?
Overall I enjoyed this challenge and I am glad that you all joined with me. I have been encouraged by your struggles and victories over the last 30 Days. I hope that you learned as much as I did through this process. Will you be keeping your new habits or letting them go. I think I know the answer for some of you.
Blog Statistics over the Challenge
For the nerds out there here are some statistics on how this challenge improved this blog's performance. The increase is over the previous 30 Days. Overall I am pleased. Hopefully all of those folks who were visiting during this time will join in the next challenge.
- 802 Unique Visits (+194%)
- 1,275 Page Views (+267%)
- 1.59 pages per visit (+25%)