God's Man | Random Moment...

Just thought since I just had a major accomplishment that I would take a moment to thank everyone who comes to visit this blog every day.  I find it interesting that 3 years ago I started this site to capture my thoughts and teach a lesson to my students about achieving your dreams.  I am still floored that I get around 400 unique visits per month.  Now I know that my serious blog and internet friends would say that is nothing but for me it is an accomplishment.  

I am still trying to figure out where to go with this blog.  After my 21 days of fasting at the beginning of the year God has been putting some things on my heart but I have yet to put the "pen to paper".  2009 is going to be an interesting year for this country and I want to make sure that I am focused on the right things.  In the next few weeks I will putting out the new mission for God's Man.  Not much has changed, I still want to share what God is teaching me about being a man who is after Him.  There are just some refinements that He is doing. 

I missed out on a opportunity to Guest Post over at blackwomenblowthetrumpet.blogspot.com for Valentines Day.  I was really looking forward to it.  I hope I get the opportunity again.

Be on the lookout for my Not Me Post on Monday.  :)

God's Man

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