God's Man | Not Me Monday 6th Edition...

I think I may have a problem. I am hooked on Not Me Monday's. I have my good friend MoMo to thank for this. Check out McMama's blog for all the details and checkout all the other Not Me posters. So without further ado here is what I didn't do last week.
- I certainly did not start this post Sunday night hoping that I could get higher in the ranks on Monday.
- I did not accidently answer someone elses child when they asked their dad for some candy.
- I was not nervous as I posted to facebook, about my frustrations at work, when a friend reminded me that I have coworkers as facebook friends.
- I did not get freaked out when a coworker agreed to be my accountability partner as I prepare to do a triathlon this year.
- I was not distracted by my wife's beauty at church today. Nope my eyes were fixed on things above. Not things just below my eye level. ;)
- I was certainly not excited to see my new pseudo-daughter today. It is good to have her home.
- I did not almost curse at people at work on Friday. I am always picture of calm.
- I also did not have people cheer for me after raising my voice at someone on Thursday. I wouldn't yell and no one would find that praiseworthy.
- I did not laugh when my daughters sing the daddy song to announce that they are both awake.
- I am not contented from all the mangos from last week. I am also not happy for the mangos ready for this week.
- I am not a mango fanatic. Seriously.
-God's Man