God's Man | Not Me Monday 5th Edition

Last week was very interesting.  I had planned to skip my Not Me post this week, check the rules on McMama's Blog, when Momo posted her's I just had to.  So here are some things that I didn't do:
  • I certainly did not become a frenzied twitter and facebook posting machine during the Super Bowl.
  • I was definitely not rooting for Capitalism to win the game.  206M spent on commercials this year.
  • I did not laugh and get a dirty look from my beautiful bride while watching the Mr and Mrs Potato Head commercial.
  • I did not become enraged when I saw this magazine on the rack at Walmart.  I love seeing the President's on everything.  Really I do.
  • I did not lash out at my bride on Saturday and I did not feel so bad that I made two posts apologizing and talking about what I learned.  
  • My wife and I certainly didn't have a discussion about the above situation until the wee hours of the morning.
  • We also were not both late to work today as a result.
  • I did not laugh with my daughters spend an hour playing with a box of microwave popcorn.  We buy them tons of toys.
  • I am not sitting on a post that I think will alienate me from some of my blogging friends.  I am a fearless poster.
  • I definitely made it to my church's Big Game Party.  I didn't sit on the edge of my seat with my Dad while my daughters destroyed the basement around us.
  • We certainly didn't let them do that.  We made sure that they cleaned up after themselves.
  • And lastly.  I did not spend 4 HOURS at the MVA.  That place is a engine of efficiency.  They are also totally motivated by kindness in everything they do.
That's what I didn't do.  How about you.  Check out McMama's Blog for all your Not Me fun!  And my friend Momo Too
-God's Man

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