God's Man | Letter To God's Boy

Dear God’s Boy (aged 8),
I know that things seem hard now. School can be a pain, and it seems like Mrs. Taylor is extra mean to you, but apply yourself. Mrs. Taylor is looking out for you. You may not see it right now but she is trying to teach you something important. She wants you to understand that you are capable of so much more that you are showing. She sees how the other kids tease you about being smart and “talking white”. She doesn’t know any other way to motivate you other than pushing hard. Years from now you will see what she is doing but it will be too late to tell her thanks. Enjoy this time now. You’ll never be here again. Stick to your Saxophone, it will benefit you later.
God’s Man
What would you tell yourself at this age? It wrote all of these in a rapid fire way. The rule I gave myself was what if you had to do it right now. No time to prepare. I look forward to hearing what you would say.