God's Man | Letter to God's Senior

Dear God’s Senior (aged 17),

Hopefully you have listened to what I have been telling you. I guess since I am still writing these you haven’t and everything is the same. You are going to get a fantastic opportunity this year. Don’t squander it. Get everything that you can out of it and do you best to keep that door open once you leave for college. Apply for scholarships, even though your GPA might not be the best. God will do amazing things in your life this year. Even more than you recognized earlier. He will only be limited by the amount of work that you put in. He will not do everything for you. There are some things that He requires of you. Enjoy Senior Year. You will never be here again. College is going to be awesome. Do everything you can to get there.

God’s Man

What would you tell yourself at this age? It wrote all of these in a rapid fire way. The rule I gave myself was what if you had to do it right now. No time to prepare. I look forward to hearing what you would say.

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