God's Man | Jump In

Welcome to June

I am participating in National Blog Posting Month which is now hosted over at BlogHer .  The theme for this month is Jump. Back when I was doing the 30 Day Trial Challenge I stressed the point of Getting Started.  This is a key element to everything. You HAVE to actually do something.

Like I mentioned in yesterday's post, today is the 1st day of MY New Year so the theme fits. Since this is the 1st post of 30 I will not overdo it.  I am just going to list the things that I am jumping into during the month of June.

  • Commute by Bike
    After many challenges with my bike(Schwinn) I am committing to riding to work 2-3 days a week.

  • Complete Reading List
    I will tackling these books this month.
    • The Explicit Gospel by Matt Chandler/
    • Decision Making and the Will of God by Gary Freisen
    • Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World by Michael Hyatt
    • Gosel Centered Discipleship by Jonathan Dodson
  • Attend the 2 remaining Marriage Family Alliance Prayer Sessions
  • Bible Reading, Journaling and Praying Through this Journey
  • Complete my Small Group Curriculum on Decision Making

  • Prepare 2 b-day Parties for P.Mighty
    P.Mighty is having a pool party in the 1st week of June and a sleepover one night during the last week.
  • Go on 4 Date Nights
    The Queen and I have not been as diligent about these as we have in the past.  We have got to get back on track.
So this is what I am jumping int during June?  Drop me a comment below and let me know what you are doing this month.

-God's Man

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