30 Days | My Week...

This is going to be an interesting week for me.  I am coping with 2 different types of loss and the return of 1 very exciting thing that I do.
Last week my wonderful bride changed jobs.  This was a significant win for us because it saved her from a frustrating work environment.  A less stressed out wife makes for a happier house overall.  On top of that she is moving into a new industry and she is looking forward to something different.  All of the above stuff is good.  The downside is that we are now working in different cities.  I had gotten spoiled by our morning commute and the occasional, as work permitted, lunch together.  It was strange driving into work without my bride next to me.  I am happy for her new opportunity but I am sad at this loss of connection everyday.
My second loss is the departure of my "Big Brother" from work.  He also took a new job which means a new opportunity for him.  Again I am happy for him.  He was very frustrated with what we are doing currently and this gives him more responsibility and advancement along his career path.  For me this means that I no longer have my lunch partner or coffee run guy.  He has been quite the sounding board for me as we have gotten to know each other over the last few years.  Hopefully I was the same for him.
This week I am once again starting Financial Peace University from Dave Ramsey's team.  I have missed being a coordinator and am looking forward to seeing lives changed.  My families journey with teaching this class has changed the way we look at money as well as how we use it.  For those who are familiar with Dave Ramsey we have completed Baby Step 2 and are DEBT FREE!  We paid of over 80K in consumer debt! We never thought we would get out of debt.  We have recommitted to our goal when from when we were financial planners of teaching/training families to take control of their money.  If you are in the area come by and be a part of our free lesson on Monday Sept 13 @ 7pm.
So there you have it.  My Week

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