30 Days | My Definition of Love

My definition of love

There are 4 types of love and when I think about love they seem so appropriate.

  1. Stergo - Parental  - As a parent there is a type of love that I only feel towards my children and god-children.  This is the love that protects and guides.
  2. Eros - Sexual (Passionate) - As a husband this is the type of love that I only have for my wife.  'nuff said.
  3. Philio - Familial (Brotherly) -As a member of a family this is the type of love expressed one to the other.
  4. Agape - Sacrificial (Love like God) - This love is the love that God showed me through the sacrifice of his Son, Jesus Christ, on the cross.  He died to free me from a sin nature that I could never overcome on my own.  He stepped out of eternity and came here for me and for you.

We are all called to practice each of these types of love in our life.  We are called to love God above all and then to love our neighbors as ourselves.  I see this function in my life a few ways.

Love God
  • Stand on, Live by His principles everyday and letting those around you know it.
  • Nuture/Treasure your realtionship with Him
Love Your Family
  • - Nuture/Treasure your realtionships
    • Exercise all the types of Love
    • Spend Quality Time
    • Let them know how you feel about them in word and action.
    • Give your marriage relationship priority
Love Your Country/Countrymen (Others)
  • Nuture/Treasure your realtionships
    • Stergo, Philio, Agape
    • Let them know how you feel about them in word and action.
So there you have it.  My Definition of Love.  Not as succinct as it was in my head.  What are your thoughts?

-God's Man

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