God's Man | 5 Minute Drill | Why I Love God...

So my oldest daughter (Princess Mighty) and I did some five minute drills last night while I was cooking dinner. I thought I would share one of them. Sorry it is shorter than my normal drills but I was multitasking. Why I love God I love God because He saved me. How did he save me? He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for my sins. I would never have been able to bridge the gap between God and myself because of my sin. God's forgiveness allows me to truly have joy and peace in my life.
God has blessed me with
A loving family Wife and daughters
Amazing parents
An extended church family
The ability to provide financially
The respect of my peers
The love of my wife
Health and Strength
A loving family Wife and daughters
Amazing parents
An extended church family
The ability to provide financially
The respect of my peers
The love of my wife
Health and Strength