God's Man | Not Me Monday 4th Edition...

Time to take a look at what I didn't do over the last week. Here is my not me entry for today.
  • I did not post in 25 Random Things About Me that "I was married to the most wonderful women in the world."
  • I did not break my blogging fast one night early so I could post the above link.
  • I did not breathe a sigh of relief when my Mother In Law showed up yesterday because she could entertain the kids while I tried to make some desserts.
  • I did not burn the above dessert anyway resulting in my having to throw away about 60 Hershey Kisses
  • I did not get frustrated with God during my fast when He gave me some insight on a decision I had made.  I never argue with Him.  I am an obedient son.
  • I did not allow my children to use me as an obstacle course so I could lie down for a few minutes.
  • I certainly do not still have my Christmas decorations up on my house.
  • I did not take pictures of my kids playing with toilet paper and paper towels and then post them on my blog.
  • I was not horrified when I noticed that the room they are playing in was dirty.  I am not self-conscious about those things.
That's what I didn't do. How about you? Check out McMama's Blog for the whole Not Me Experience. Check out my friend Momo's Blog, she's the one that got me hooked on this.

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