Note: Don't Forget to be a Friend...

Notes from today's sermon...
Don't forget to be a friend
Happiness comes with interdependence.
John 15:15-?? - You are his friend and have access.

You needs friends who will walk with you.
Matthew 4:19 -  Come follow me...
Proverbs - iron sharpens iron.
Generational lessons.  Adam was alive for 9 generations.
It is safer to travel with friends.
It is smarter to travel with friends.
You will travel further walking with friends.

Friendship os the answer to loneliness.
Psalms 68:9 - God sets the lonely in families.
Exchange 4:10 pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up.

You need friends who will work with me.
Eph 2:10 -  God

Friendships are God's answer to fatigue
Gal 6:10 - work to the benefit of all.

I need friends who will fight for me.
Who has your back spiritually?
Proverbs 17:17
Ecc 4:12

Friendship os God's answer to Defeat...
Ecc 4:10

I need friends who will cry with me...
1 Peter 3:8 - One Big Family...

Friendships are God's answer to despair...

I need friends who will partner with me.
John 15:4-5
God partners with us.  Will we partner with Him?

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