I did not get frustrated with my wonderful wife because, after a weekend filled with chores (painting, moving furniture, and some light electrical), we spent our morning drive talking about all the chores coming up for me in the next weekend. I did not get scared reading the book "The Love Dare" because God is testing me with each new dare. I did not completely blow off working on a project that has lingered on from 2008. I did not give my daughters huge amounts of cheese curls with their lunch on Sunday after church. I did not use eat all the leftover cheese curls because I didn't want them to go to waste. I did not issue a challenge to my church members and offer a prize from the pulpit. I did not give my oldest daughter Ritz bitz crackers to entice her to stay in her room so I could watch the 24 premiere on Sunday. I did not ignore my conscience telling me to workout all last week. ...