Living Richly Pt 1.

Your Inner World Creates Your Outer World!

What is on the inside of you? God calls us to be different, more, bigger. Everything about God is bigger so if we are His children how can we be anything but. In order to do that however we have to reframe who we are. In Hebrews 12:2 it reads, "Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world..." The words "any longer" lets us know that God doesn't care about who we used to be. No more, "I've always been this way", or, "That's how I am". You are a new creation in Christ. The old you has passed away and we are supposed to present a new person to God. I mean, come on, God knows who we used to hang around with and where we used to go. He know what you did last summer and last night. He sees the entire breadth of our lives and still says, "I can use that one".

Never Fret Over Things Past!

God knows that your experiences are there to make you stong. Your trials are just weights to be lifted. Your storms are just mountains to climb. God knows that your true test will come from using the gifts that He gives you and how you apply them to His purpose. For in His Word it says, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Any mistakes that have plagued you, those decisions that haunt you... God is using those things to perfect His purpose. While they say don't sweat the small stuff you shouldn't sweat anything. If God is turning it around for your good than you shouldn't worry about anything. Just do what he says and get moving. Make no mistake you are exactly where you are supposed to be based on the actions, thoughts, relationships, friendships, investments that you have made.

You Life Cannot Exceed Your Growth Capacity...

God never gives us more than we can bear. This holds true for both trails and blessings. For some people a blessing is more of a hinderance than a storm. He wants to make sure that we won't start worshiping the gifts while neglecting the giver. A friend said to me once that when He asked God why he couldn't raise the dead, God replied, I'd be exchanging one dead body for another. We've got to expand our awareness to the handle the abundant resources of God before we could ever handle being a receptacle of it.

Teaspoon, Bottlecap, Bucket, or Barrel...

When going to God with a request remember that there is nothing that God cannot do. When you go with that understanding and belief you know that there is no reason to think small. Why ask God to pay the rent when He wants to give you the apartment complex.
As the children of God we need Think Big!

Do You Create Your Life or Let Life Happen to You?

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