God's Man | Routines

Two books that I have been working my way through over the last few months, Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey, and Show Your Work by Austin Kleon.  How do either of these books apply to your walk?

 Daily Rituals
Whether in you faith walk or in walking you have to get into a rhythm.  If you want to change, you have to change your habits.  Create a new routine.  One that includes the incremental changes you need to get closer to God and your health goals.  Life will do everything it can to derail this new thing until it doesn't.  Don't stop.

Show Your Work
Let folks know what you are doing.  Pictures, Posts, Videos, Music... whatever it is share.  There are a lot of people here on Faith and Fitness, over 100, but there are only a few that post.  I challenge you to make a habit of sharing your work as you go along this journey.  Your story is not just for you.  Your story is meant to be shared.

Remember to do it all to the glory of God.


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