God's Man | Maryland Marriage Alliance Prayer

Tonight I will be praying for Unity in the body of Christ.  The insitution of marriage is something that touches all facets of society.  It reaches across political lines.  It crosses denominations.  It even bridges theologies.  It reminds us that we are meant to be united together as God's children for his Glory.  The scripture I will be praying referencing is Psalm 133.  This is a very short Psalm, only 3 verses.  It is a song of ascents.  The people are coming together and they are realizing how awesome it is to be one people united.
How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!  It is like precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard, running down on Aaron's beard, down upon the collar of his robes.  It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion. For there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life forevermore. (Psalm 133:1-3 NIV84)
As we pray together I want to share what God is saying to us as stand united together. Father I am excited to see my brothers and sisters together.  Those who are gathered here and those praying with us remotely.  Oh how good and pleasant it is to live together in unity.  Your Glory is what we are after and it is your Word that unites us.  No matter the differences that we allow to divide us it is the glory of your revealed Word to us that drives us together to seek you. Like the oil that were used to annoint Your priests we stand together as Your royal priesthood.  Each one of us answering Your call to be salt and light in a world that wants things watered down and dark.  The oil that was used was infused with spices the same way that Your Spirit permeates our lives.  Let us be drenched in your spirit covered from head to toe. The same way that the dew covers everything and refreshes let your Glory fall on all of us.  Together we seek your blessing over this prayer service.  Together we seek your blessing over your combined church.  Together we seek your blessing as we seek to honor the deifnition of marriage as you laid it out.  You created a people so that your name would be Great.  You loved them, taught them, provided for them, and disiplined them for Your Glory.  You gave your son to them to be rejected so that they could know the fullness of Your love.  You raised Him up and glorified Him before the whole world so Your name would be known and that your children would have life forever more. Let your Word keep us united, as we continue to stand for You. In Jesus Name Amen  -Always chasing His Glory

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