
Showing posts from April, 2011

Lessons from the Worlds Oldest Man...

I have always enjoyed listening to people who are older than me. Especially those who are on the same faith journey that I am. It is amazing to hear the depth of lives that have been well lived. People who have walked through struggles and grown as a result. It is also enlightening to talk with those who have let their struggles hinder them. A friend of mine would always say that you are either a warning or an example. When I think about these things I wonder about how life must have been for our early family. Let's take a look in the book of Genesis, in chapter 5 , we see the line of Adam stretching to Noah. Adam lived for 930 years and during his lifetime he was able to see 9 generations of his descendants. Can you imagine? Nine generations were able to sit and listen as Adam would tell them about walking with God in the cool of the day. I am sure that he was able to recall with vividness the splendor of the garden, the first time he saw Eve, and the Glory of God. I a...

Out With Daddy...

Here are 2 happy Princesses enjoying the fact that Daddy's dinner was messed up. Thanks to the folks at Pizzeria Uno's for making my girls' night. God's Man sent from my phone so please give me grace for any typos.

God's Man | Sharpening...

Pic From Luv My Kynxx Makes Me Wanna - Man, Dad, Husband: Really Home Alone This is a great post and @EpayneTheDad highlights one of my biggest pet peeves: "No I'm not Mr. Mom, or "babysitting" my own damn kids, or frazzled or hanging on by a thread. Have I been tired? Yes. Have I had moments where I've been at wit's end? Definitely! Have I had any time to myself? After midnight when I can't leave the house and I'm delirious with fatigue. Have I ever once considered that I can't do this? Not even once. I'm DAD, doing what I'm supposed to be..." I cannot tell you how many time I hear that as I am out with my girls. It frustrates me because like E says, these are my kids. No one should be more involved in their lives than me. No one should be more engaged that I am. Men, if you are leaving the work of child rearing to your wives or girlfriends then I need you to rethink your title as man. Clearly you are not one...

9 Years...

9 years ago I nervously stood and waiting for my bride to come down the aisle.  It was the culmination of close to 4 years of emails, phone calls, voice mails and video conferences.  It was the apex of nervous firsts, arrogant seconds,and relaxed thirds.  It was the punch line to jokes that only we got.  It was the climax of something that we could only dream of. When God said that, " He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord ", he was talking about the woman pictured above.  When Solomon wrote, " A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies... " he wasn't exaggerating... Check out the rest of this post here .

Five Minute Drill | 5 lists of 5 things...

Five minute drill time again.  Here are 5 lists of five things done in 5 minutes.  While the lists were compiled in the 5 minutes getting all the links took much longer.   5 People I am grateful for My God My Bride of almost 9 years (1 day to go!) whom I refer to as the Queen My 2 daughters know affectionately as Princess Mighty and Mini (Cheating I know) My Pastor @PaulFSchindler My church family 5 Random things I am grateful for The Oppurtunity to Serve God's Glory Coffee My Job Being a Nerd 5 Sites I hit every day Black and Married with Kids The Anti Jared LifeHacker The Old Black Church You Version   5 Random people on Twitter I follow Andy Andrews Marriage Today One Chele The Marriage Bed La Shawn Barber 5 Books I have reread, so far, this year Fami...

God's Man | Two Thoughts For Tuesday...

Here are two snippets from 2 more of my blogging mentors who don't know it.  Number 1 is taken from @theantijared at entitled Struggling is not Quitting : No matter how successful you are, you will struggle. It is different for everyone. Some people beat themselves up for three hours for 12 minutes of eating. Some people beat themselves up for not going to the gym. Some people think they can only have one bite, but get fooled every time.   The one piece of advice I can give is do not quit. Whatever your goal is, do not quit. When you are at a plateau, remember the times when it was worse. When you are confused what the scale says, look at the decisions you made. When someone makes a snide remark to you, know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.   You are not alone. Everyone struggles. All of the great paper tigers can tell you they do not. They can have beautiful pictures o...

God's Man | Don't Believe the Lie...

I want to have a conversation with the men about something that has become increasingly more important to me. Let me paint a scenario for you. Guy meets girl... They hit it off instantly...  Guy dates girl... Guy realizes that she is awesome... There’s just one problem...   He’s not ready to be locked down...  He’s not ready for the future... He's worried about the life he is giving up... As the Dad of daughters, god-daughters, and god-sons I am getting frustrated when I hear about waiting to "settle down".  My question is why wait? Don't believe the lie that your life ends at marriage.  Do you know what you are telling your future spouse?  I have sucked all the enjoyment that I can out of life and now I am ready to grow old with you. Does that sound romantic to you?  Is that the ideal that God has for you?  To my sons did you know what God proclaims?  He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord. - ...

God's Man | What To Do When Exhausted

From Evernote: What To Do When Exhausted Day 2 Clipped from: I love this photo by Dalla over at Flikr .  It had me thinking about one of the letters to my bride entitled, What to do when you are exhausted .  Here is some more thoughts from God's Word. When I called, you answered me; you made me bold and stouthearted. Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes, with your right hand you save me. The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O Lord, endures forever— do not abandon the works of your hands.   - Psalm 138:3, 7-8 When you begin to feel exhausted, overwhelmed, put upon remember to call on the Lord.  Reach out for help.  He will protect you.  Know that God loves you and So do I. God's Man

God's Man | Working Out With Weights On...

One of my blogging mentors, who doesn't know it, is Scott Williams ( @ScottWilliams ) over at Big is the New Small started a conversation about Chasing Leaders .  While talking about his sons he shares this nugget As leaders, business owners, bloggers, parents and whatever our deal is.  We will get better stronger and faster if we Chase The Leaders in that particular field.  If you want to be a great writer, follow the leading writers.  If you want to be a great leader, read the leadership books and learn form the leaders of leaders.  If you want to be better, stronger & faster… Learn from the best, strongest and fastest. We tend to be creatures of comfort and habit but that is not where the growth comes.  You've got to have challenges and challengers in life in order to grow.  If everything is cake and life is sunshine and lollipops than your progress will be slow.   That doesn't mean that you don't...