Lessons from the Worlds Oldest Man...

I have always enjoyed listening to people who are older than me. Especially those who are on the same faith journey that I am. It is amazing to hear the depth of lives that have been well lived. People who have walked through struggles and grown as a result. It is also enlightening to talk with those who have let their struggles hinder them. A friend of mine would always say that you are either a warning or an example. When I think about these things I wonder about how life must have been for our early family. Let's take a look in the book of Genesis, in chapter 5 , we see the line of Adam stretching to Noah. Adam lived for 930 years and during his lifetime he was able to see 9 generations of his descendants. Can you imagine? Nine generations were able to sit and listen as Adam would tell them about walking with God in the cool of the day. I am sure that he was able to recall with vividness the splendor of the garden, the first time he saw Eve, and the Glory of God. I a...