Not Me Monday | Late Edition...

Well I am throwing this out there because my friend Marlen from Hall Family in Maryland threw down the gauntlet earlier today on twitter asking where my NMM post was. You don't know what Not Me Monday is? Check it out over at MckMama's blog My Charming Kids. Since it is late I will not keep you up with a long list. I will share only two items that I most certainly didn't do today.

I most certainly did not step in to complete a demo that my team was doing only to use the wrong application link and not be able to show the expected functionality. My boss and her bosses were not at the same demo.

I am definitely not praying for some alone time with my awesome wife tonight. My prayer life, like any Godly Man, is all about the lofty things. I would never make these types of petitions known to the Lord.

Well hopefully this wasn't TMI for my loyal readers. Hopefully I will make a better showing next week. While you are looking at other Not Me Monday Posts check out GrimMama over at Not Quite a Fairy Tale or my blushing, at least now, bride's site What Mama Didn't Tell Me.

Until Tomorrow

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