God's Man | Not Me Monday 10th Edition...

  • I did not have a very long list of Not Me Items only to have my computer crash eating my post. 
  • I did not kick my desk knocking over a picture frame on it.
  • I certainly did not try to recreate the magic of my last post and fail.
  • I didn't write this list so as not to break my streak.
Thanks to McMama for all the Not Me Hilarity.  Thanks to Momo for getting me hooked.  Thanks to Customer Support for getting my lappy back up and running.
God's Man
PS.  I am not asking all of my blog visitors to check out my church's fundraiser page.  We want to upgrade/replace our multimedia computers.  Please help us by donating or sharing our page (link) or both.  I will not be raffling off an iPod Touch if we meet our goal.

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