What Are You Telling Yourself?

What are you telling yourself? When you got up this morning and looked in the mirror what did you see. If you had to describe yourself what would you say? If you remember back to the post on Right Thinking we learned that we need to line our thoughts up with God’s. So what does God have to saw about who you are? First:
Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God; children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God. – John 1:12-13
God is clear. Those that have received Him through His Son Jesus have the right to be His children. Once this has been achieved than you can truly accept what He says about you. If you are unsure about your relationship with God; now is the time to clear the air. Ask God to forgive you of your sins and ask Jesus to come into your life. If you honestly prayed that simple prayer, than I welcome you into the family.

I found this wonderful resource over at Freedom in Christ Ministries. It is entitled Who I Am. It is a powerful collection of declarations. The main things that God wants you to know about yourself is:

I am accepted...

You are God's Child. That means that you have a family and a place to feel connected. Even better that connection can never be lost. If you've ever gone to a wedding you've heard it said, "God hath joined together, let not man put asunder". As a married man I understand what that statement means. God bound my wife and I together and no man can remove that link. If God gives that much thought to connecting a husband and a wife. Do you think He left a loophole to remove His relationship with you? There is no disconnection once you are in this family. Even if you run in the opposite direction God will welcome you back. And this is true security.

I am secure...

Once you know that you have been accepted by God you can find security in that relationship. No more condemnation. No more anxiety. No more worry. As long as you remember that the God who created the heavens and the earth has got it all covered. You line yourself up with God and He will help you. Take a look at this
Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God's Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don't know how or what to pray, it doesn't matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good. -Romans 8:28(MSG)
I am significant...

Do you realize your significance? Do you know that God looked out over time and saw you? That he saw you and said this one is mine. That He sent His son to die for you? That sacrifice should be enough to convince you of your significance. God loves you and wants you. He desires a relationship with you. So even if you life has been crazy and no one has ever valued you. just know that there is a God who values you. You are His child and He has given you the title prince and princess. He has crowned you High Priest and Priestess.

My Prayer for you Today...
Father I stand here today confident in your word. I am confident that you have called your children aside. That you have set us apart for your God works. We are accepted into your family regardless of our pasts. You are neither concerned with the mistakes that we have made nor the mistakes that we will make. All you ask is that everyday we work at lining ourselves up with you.

We are secure in our relationship with you. Since you created our connection nothing can separate us. Even when we walk away from you, you are there to welcome us back. We thank you for being a true parent to us. Loving us unconditionally but setting boundaries that we can operate within. You correct us when we need it but always in Love.

Finally Father we are thankful that you have given us worth. We are significant in your sight and that make us valuable on an eternal scale. Unlike the markets of this world that shift minute by minute our worth to you never loves value. When Jesus looked out over time before going to the cross he looked straight at us and gave His life. Thank you God for filling the empty places in our life. You truly love us and we want to declare our love for you today.

In Jesus Name

-God's Man

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