Are You Ready...

"My face is set, my gait is fast, my goal is Heaven..."
I decided to pick apart the quote that I got on Saturday and look at what God gave me. No matter how God speaks it is always rich.

My face is set
I often comment to people, "You say that you are doing well/are blessed/happy but your face is telling a different story." You face/body language is such a better communicator than you think. You can tell people that you are happy but if you are downcast and sad looking than what do you expect people to see. In Nehemiah King Artaxerxes said , "Why is your face sad, since you are not sick?" The King even diagnosed the problem by saying, "This is nothing but sorrow of the heart."

When it is time to make a move whether it is something specifically for God or not. You've got to get ready. One of the things they tell athletes is to get their "Game Face" on. The game face is the picture you present to your enemy across the battlefield. The game face is how you get yourself ready to do battle. The game face is the position of strength that you battle from. If your face is down and your spirit is weak how can you even hope to stand?

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