
Showing posts from 2014

God's Man | Michael Jordan Maybe It's My Fault Commercial by shahtoosh

Air Jordan XXIII XX3 Become Legendary Commercial

God's Man | The Book of Life // Exploring Key Phrases by Desiring God

When you come across an important word or phrase in your reading, stop to search for other uses of that same word or phrase. Look first within the book you’re reading, then within the same author, then in the rest of the Bible. In this lab, John Piper briefly looks at six different verses to better understand the Book of Life. For study questions visit

God's Man | Joy Is Free, But Not Cheap by Desiring God

Can twenty years of ever-sharpening focus, ten thousand resources, and the heart of Christian Hedonism be summed up in three minutes? With the help of gifted artists, we try in this video. It’s a celebration. It’s a thank you. It’s an explanation. It’s an invitation. I never thought of myself as a great narrator. But I do have great news. I hope you enjoy this overflow of joy from Desiring God. Gifts can be made at Voice: John Piper Written by: David Mathis, Marshall Segal and John Piper Production: Stefan Green Concept & Direction: Jorge R. Canedo Estrada Design: James Graves Animation: Phil Borst, Jorge R. Canedo Estrada & Seth Eckert Music: John Poon

God's Man | Stink First


God's Man | I Am Not Fine...

My bride and I were talking tonight about all the moving parts in our life right now and how we are really not fine.  We actually laughed at that realization.  As one thing piles onto the next it has actually become comical. One thing we do know is that it is ok not to be fine.  We resolved that issue together years ago because we know that ultimately it is not in our hands anyway.  God has been so very faithful to us that even in our pain we can laugh because our God is bigger than all of it.  We also recognized our own privilege and that our issues are not nearly as large as the loom. So I am praying for you dear reader.  That you would know the faithfulness of God even in your pain.  That you would seek Him first. Why are you cast down, O my soul,     and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him,     my salvation and my God. - Psalm 42:11 God's Man

Preach To Yourself - Psalm 42


Work. .

Sometimes it just have to get done.  Whether you FEEL like it or not. Life is only lived in One Direction. God's Man

Brothers, We are Not Professionals

This is the opening salvo from one of my favorite books for pastors. We pastors are being killed by the professionalizing of the pastoral ministry. The mentality of the professional is not the mentality of the prophet. It is not the mentality of the slave of Christ. Professionalism has nothing to do with the essence and heart of the Christian ministry. The more professional we long to be, the more spiritual death we will leave in our wake. For there is no professional childlikeness (Matt. 18: 3); there is no professional tenderheartedness (Eph. 4: 32); there is no professional panting after God (Ps. 42: 1)

Free Friday | Music We Enjoy...

My music collection is quite the eclectic mix. My darling wife teases me because I can just as easily enjoy a night of Celtic worship as a I can a Christian hip hop concert. One of the ways that God touches people is through music. Music, in whatever style or genre, has a way of speaking to us. The only restriction that I put onto my musical choices is that they point is to God in some way and don't disparage our relationship with him. Here are videos of music that we have been bouncing to here in our household. Entitlement by Beautiful Eulogy Excellent by Propaganda Goodbye by Json Tell the World by Lacrae

Doxology and Theology

One leads to the other and both should lead back to God. Knowing Him causes us to praise Him which makes us want to know him even more which... We are looking forward to another installment of Lyrical Theology from Shai Linne.

On Having A Sense of Wonder...

I remember as a child I was often filled with wonder. Do you know what that is? That feeling of smallness. That there is some much going on around you that you couldn't possibly understand it all. Even though I am a gigantic nerd I grew up in what used to be considered the country. Homes had yards. There were still farms. There was history all around us. Old homes that had been abandoned where nature had reclaimed what was built. Where trees provided shade and the grass was the only blanket you needed. When I talk to my daughter I don't detect the same level of wonder as she interact with the world. Maybe it is the difference between boys and girls. I remember sweeping adventures that went from one end of one neighborhood to the far end of another. We had tales about the old homes in our neighborhood. From the story of old man Barry who had killed his brother to assume his familes property to the old boarded up house that was packed full of boxes of money. Then th...

Four questions to ask before tomorrow comes.

Am I being completely honest with myself? What story do I want to tell? Is there a tension that needs my attention? What would be most honoring to God? Posted with Blogsy

When The Darkness is Scary...

There comes a moment in a child's life when they encounter it. The dark. The unknown. FEAR . Tonight Princess Mini came in saying that she was afraid of the dark. She wanted to know if she could sleep with us. It is at these moments that we as parents shape them. Being a parent is a awesome responsibility. I don't mean that in Dude, that is AWESOME kind of way. I mean it inspires awe. It shakes you to your core. It should... I think that this is why so many run from it, but that is another topic. We don't do a lot of co-sleeping in our house. That is not exactly true. We don't let them sleep in our bed. But we have spent many a night in their rooms. When they are sick, or scared, or lonely we go to them. I think God works with us in much the same way. When we are gripped by fear, concerned about the unknown, or just lonely, he comes in and sits next to our bed. Maybe He puts His head on the pillow or drapes His arm over you but He makes his presen...

Understanding An Acceptable Offering...

Why Cain Was Rejected and Abel Accepted - Kevin W. Posted with Blogsy

Spring Has Sprung Maryland Style

It looks like my #endWintersTryanny campaign has been a success.  In celebration we are participation in a time honored tradition in our family. Cooking crabs.  The princesses took these shots of me preparing some crabs. 

God's Man | Are You Not Entertained?

Base Image Credit: The Province . Editing by Me. As we are ensconced in a biblically inspired movie cycle with the likes of Noah, and Son of God as well as more "Christian" themed stuff like God's not Dead and the upcoming Heaven is for Real I am having to put my God on film idea to the test. The challenge that I have with movies/TV series/media that claim biblical inspiration or themes is that instead of letting the story stand on it focuses on minor details and ignores the major story.  Much like what we do when we focus on secondary issues and make them primary. There is also the fact that some narrative elements are completely made up or wrong in light of the actual text.  I know that studying the scriptures is not as "exciting" as watching Russell Crowe as Maximus Noah and the Nephilim but don't let this be the only time you think about the text. We are called to meditate on God's Word day and night.  It really does inform the decisions ...

God's Man | Have You Sought Counsel? - Tim Conway by I'll Be Honest

Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety. - Proverbs 11:14 MP3:

God's Man | The Gift of Children

Image Credit to Me Having children is one of the greatest gifts that God gives to his men.  Only the gift of a wife has a bigger impact on the life of a man.  Embrace those whom God has given to you.  Remember your responsibilities to Provide, Protect, Honor and Teach those in your charge.  When God asks what did you do with what I gave you let it be said that you were a good steward. My prayer for you today men is that you live for the glory of God.  That you let that filter cover every interaction with your family.  That you would see your children and spouse as God sees them in Christ. The picture above is of my oldest.  There was a time when she couldn't ride her bike without training wheels.  There was a time when she only wanted to ride if I rode with her.  Those days are just about over.  While she enjoys riding with Dad she asks to ride on her own.  She is starting to want more independence.  One day I'll b...

God's Man | Are You Thirsty?

Photo Credit to New Old Stock Photos Here is another in my visual devotional series. How much do you want God? David says in Psalm 42 that his soul thirsts for God the same way a deer needs water. That is a serious longing. Seek after Him today and everyday. He can quench a thirst that nothing else can.

God's Man | Routines

Two books that I have been working my way through over the last few months, Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey, and Show Your Work by Austin Kleon.  How do either of these books apply to your walk?  Daily Rituals Whether in you faith walk or in walking you have to get into a rhythm.  If you want to change, you have to change your habits.  Create a new routine.  One that includes the incremental changes you need to get closer to God and your health goals.  Life will do everything it can to derail this new thing until it doesn't.  Don't stop. Show Your Work Let folks know what you are doing.  Pictures, Posts, Videos, Music... whatever it is share.  There are a lot of people here on Faith and Fitness, over 100, but there are only a few that post.  I challenge you to make a habit of sharing your work as you go along this journey.  Your story is not just for you.  Your story is meant to be shared. Remember...

God's Man | Show Your Work

So I have been reading this book by Austin Kleon, Show Your Work!: 10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered.   The biggest take away is to stop hiding your creative process.  This lines up with the decision that I made in the 2nd half of last year.  I had gotten into analysis paralysis.  I had begun to overthink everything.  My inner critic was keeping me from starting.  I had to do something different.  I had to start making some changes and fast.  So rather than figure out the best way.  Or seek the perfect moment, I just started doing things. So this is the fruit of one of those ideas.  I decided that I wanted to hear some of the sermons that I have been reading read aloud.  So that is what I did.  I read Francis Grimké's sermon, "Christ's Program for the Saving of the World."  This is  very raw version of it.  Even though it needs polish and my daughters walks in right in the middle of it. ...

God's Man | Deliverance

My latest sermon at my home church. Here are my notes. 1These are the names of the sons of Israel who came to Egypt with Jacob, each with his household: 2Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah, 3Issachar, Zebulun, and Benjamin, 4Dan and Naphtali, Gad and Asher. 5All the descendants of Jacob were seventy persons; Joseph was already in Egypt. Last week we spoke about Joseph, who through God’s guidance interpreted the Pharaoh's dreams and saved not only Egypt but his family from a famine. At the end of Genesis the children of Israel had moved into Egypt and God was continuing to keep the promise he made to Abraham. 6Then Joseph died, and all his brothers and all that generation. 7But the people of Israel were fruitful and increased greatly; they multiplied and grew exceedingly strong, so that the land was filled with them. God had told Abraham was that his children would be as numerous as the stars and this was happening with each new child born. God had also told Abraham that his descend...

God's Man | Rev Francis Grimke

Photo Credit from Today I am highlighting the final Pastor from the Faithful Preacher: Recapturing the Vision of Three Pioneering African-American Pastors by Thabiti M. Anyabwile. His name is Rev. Francis James Grimké. He was born to a slave mother, Nancy Weston, in 1850 and her owner, Henry Grimké. The elder Grimké was a well respected Jurist in South Carolina. He helped to draft the Slave codes that I mentioned yesterday in our discussion of Daniel Payne. In Lift Up Thy Voice: The Sarah and Angelina Grimké Family’s Journey from Slaveholders to Civil Rights Leaders by Mark Perry, which highlights the rise of Francis Grimké's older sisters, Sarah recalled her father scolding her harshly for teaching her slave to read. The Grimké Sisters would go on to become leading abolitionists. When the elder Grimké died Francis and his 2 brothers were given to his half-brother with the "understanding" that they would be regarded as family. ...

God's Man | Rejoice In The Lord...

Photo Credit to Me. Here is a visual Devotional showing Princess Mighty enjoying a moment in the snow.  Learn to rejoice at all times.  She reminded me that even in this I could worship God.

God's Man | God Will Restore

Photo Credit Continuing with my Visual Devotions Series.  Today is Isaiah 44:3  "For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour my Spirit upon your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants." This is a reassurance to the Children of the Promise that their God would restore what had been destroyed. That God would cause life to return to what they thought was dry and desolate ground. Christ's return restored the ground. He restore a right relationship with God. He quenched a thirst in His people that nothing else could satisfy. Slow down and know that no matter the situation He is our greatest reward.

God's Man | Daniel Alexander Payne

Photo Credit Today I would like to highlight Bishop Daniel Alexander Payne. Born in 1811 during the height of slavery he and his family were not slaves. His parents were free blacks living in South Carolina. They were also devout members of the Metho dist Episcopal Church. By age 10 he had lost both of his parents and was being raised by his Aunt. It was not the practice to educate blacks during this time but Payne was introduced to the Members Moralist Society. This Group, established by free blacks, was committed to “educate orphan or indigent colored children, and also to provide for their necessary wants.” By 1829, at 19, he had opened his first school teaching children and adults alike. This first school failed but he regrouped and started again and by 1835 he was teaching and housing 60 students. In 1835 however this school ended when the South Carolina Legislature passed South Carolina General Assembly passed Act No. 2639, An Act...

God's Man | For The City

Don't think that you are separate from the culture around us.  We are the culture.  There is no Them, it is only us. Our God is not a commuter.  He moves in.  This is a call to us to do more than worry about our 4 walls. God's Man

God's Man | Training Your Children

Another from my new series of Visual Devotionals.  Deuteronomy 6:6-7 And  these words that I command you today shall be on your heart.   You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. Are you training your children to know God?  Being God's Man means leaving a legacy that has eternal value.

God's Man | Lemuel Haynes

Photo Credit Today I am highlighting Rev Lemuel Haynes. He was an African American preacher born in 1753. After being abandoned at 5 months he was raised by a white family as an indentured servant. After his indenture he volunteered as a Minuteman in  1774 and joined the Continental Army in 1776 where he fought for America's independence. He was licensed to preach in 1780 after formal ministry training in Hebrew and Greek. He was ordained in 1785, becoming the first African American ordained by a religious body. In 1804 he was awarded a honorary Master's Degree by Middlebury College which was another first. After being denied a pastorate in Connecticut despite serving faithfully for 5 years Haynes would go on to Pastor the West Parish of Rutland, Vermont for 30 years. He preached 5500 sermons and presided over 1500 sabbath services. At his funeral in 1833 he had these self-penned words read. "Here lies the dust of a poor hell...

God's Man | Dealing with Suffering...

Video Credit The Gospel Coalition I love this starts by saying that we leave a trail of dumb things we have said.  This is good advice on how to be there for someone who is suffering.  Let us not make things worse as we minister to those around us.

Free Friday | Symbols and Signs...

Video Credit to Beautiful Eulogy and HumbleBeast Records. Stop looking for those signs and symbols and get into your Bible and find your direction.

God's Man | Modern Spirituality And Your Mind - Voddie Baucham by Truth Endures

Have you ever asked someone for advice about a specific situation only to receive the cliché response: "Just pray and the Lord will give you a "peace" about what you should do." Is that really a Biblical response? How does that fit in with Romans 12:2 which says that we are supposed to have our "minds" engaged in what we are doing? In this sermon, Pastor Voddie exposits this text and gives the church the implications behind this line of reasoning.

God's Man | Spoken Word: Gospel Discipleship - Jackie Hill by VergeNetwork

A spoken word by Jackie Hill on Gospel discipleship.

God's Man | No Plan B - Odd Thomas by VergeNetwork

God's Man | Propaganda - The Prodigal Sons by VergeNetwork

Propaganda lays bare the hidden motivations behind the two ways that all of humanity runs from God as illustrated in the parable of the Prodigal Sons in Luke 15. Check out Humble Beast for more from Propaganda:

God's Man | Surrender - Flame ft. V. Rose (Full Video) by Kindred Sheppard

Space Cherry Films did it again! Here's another dope vid from them... it's the VERY popular track from Flame ft. V. Rose titled 'Surrender', off of Flame's amazing project 'Captured'. Hit up iTunes & pick that 'Captured' up... the link is Also, make sure you check out for all things Clear Sight Music, all things Flame, and all things V. Rose... who recently signed to Clear Sight Music... This vid was not produced by GL Media Company... it is merely being shared thru Breathe Life Radio to expand the reach of the vid, the artist, and their message.