God's Man | Praying For Your Pastor...

I cannot stress how important it is for us who are part of a local church, which should be all believers, to pray for your pastor.  They are under a tremendous calling and do not often reach out for help.  Over the last 2 months our Pastor has been on a much needed sabbatical.  During that time our church's ministry council, with myself included, attempted to pick up his work.  It was amazing to me to see how much he was doing on a daily basis.  So I found this article over at Red Meat For The Soul entitled Praying For Your Pastor.  In it he shares 9 points where you can pray for your leader.  This one was my favorite.
That I would have a consistent, powerful, diligent life of private prayer; that I would grow in my dependence on the Holy Spirit.
Check out the rest of the article hereMost importantly, Pray for your Pastor.  Be a blessing to the one who is serving you like Christ.

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