30 Days | My 1st Love...

Day 2 - My First Love...

I remember it like it was a flashback from an old sit-com complete with distortion sound and wavy camera lens.

I went to what is now known as Hebron Harmens Elementary School.  When I was there it was simply Harmens Elementary.  I went there along with most of the cousins on my Dad's side of the family.  We all lived in the same neighborhood so school was never boring.  Before I get lost what were we talking about?  Oh yeah my first love.  Her name was Evelyn and I met her in kindergarten.  I don't think that I was in love with her then, I mean who remembers back that far with enough clarity and who was in boy-girl style love at that point?  We were in Mrs. Demos', pronounced Dee-Mos', class.  I remember her because every year at the end of the school year I went back and talked to her.  Anyway back to Evelyn...

She and I hovered around each other, in the same class one year and in a different class the next.  This being elementary school however we saw each other at recess.  I don't think she noticed me, ever, but boy did I notice her.  Around 3rd grade I realized she was the prettiest girl in school, IMO.  I went out of my way to talk to her and thought she was amazing.  I used to talk to my mom about her all the time.  My teachers noticed it too.  So much so that when we did a end of school trip to Toby's dinner theater our teacher put our families near each other.  i remember my mother embarrassing me by telling Evelyn's mother that I was in love with her daughter.  As mothers often do they laughed and plotted to get us together.

In all of this I don't think that I ever told Evelyn that I liked her.  I was so shy and she was so beautiful.  Lots of boys wanted to be her "boyfriend".  Not that any of us knew what that meant.

Funniest story about my fascination with Evelyn.  1st day of middle school, Evelyn and I shared homeroom and afterwards we compared schedules.  It looked like we had the same 1st period class so we walked together.  I went in and sat down with her.  While the teacher called role I noticed that she didn't call my name and asked if she missed me.  It turned out that I missed the fact that I had her class in 3rd period and not 1st. I wanted us to be in the same class that I looked for the similarity and keyed in on that.  Everyone laughed, including Evelyn.  I had to walk to my next class alone and embarrassed.

So there you have it... My First Love...

Who was yours?  Drop a comment in and tell me about him/her.

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