What are you feeling?

I am going through The 100% Brain Course (Master Manual), that a student of mine is letting me borrow. The author, Melvin D. Saunders, gives you 223 creative exercises to help develop 100% of your brain. The first exercise teaches you how to identify your emotional states. I think that this is important for everyone, especially the Christian, to know. Here is an excerpt from the first exercise.
"If you were drunk or addicted to something or mentally aberration, could you recognize that your behavior was different? Do you know what makes you cry or what makes you angry? Unless emotions are intensely experienced, many people find difficulty in describing or relating to their feelings. They sometimes deny experiencing the emotions of love, fear, anger, pleasure, because of the lack of conscious awareness of such emotions. People may even feign love or pleasure to cover up unhappiness and low self-esteem. "
When we don't acknowledge our feelings we leave a doorway for the devil to use us. We may have good intentions but our inability to distinguish one emotional state from another leads us to respond the wrong way.
"Some obese people are unable to tell the difference between being fearful, angry and hungry, and so they lump all those feelings together as hunger. Then they feel better about themselves by eating. The hunger for food and sex also gets confused in some people, whereby food is then used to gratify sexual frustrations."
Now I don't think that I have ever confused my desire for food with my desire for my wife but I understand how frustrations can lead to destructive behaviors. We are called to control our bodies not be slaves to their whims.
"When you practice identifying your emotional states as they happen in your life, you learn how to better manage them. You also learn how to honestly know yourself better as well."
An honest understanding of your emotional strengths and weaknesses allows God's grace to shine through your ever clearer. When you know where you are weak you can give that area over to God so that he can carry your through it. In 2 Corinthians 12:9 it reads
"But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me."
So I will speak about my weaknesses with gladness because God is able to strengthen me. Learn to identify your emotional states today.

God's Man

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