There comes a moment in a child's life when they encounter it. The dark. The unknown. FEAR . Tonight Princess Mini came in saying that she was afraid of the dark. She wanted to know if she could sleep with us. It is at these moments that we as parents shape them. Being a parent is a awesome responsibility. I don't mean that in Dude, that is AWESOME kind of way. I mean it inspires awe. It shakes you to your core. It should... I think that this is why so many run from it, but that is another topic. We don't do a lot of co-sleeping in our house. That is not exactly true. We don't let them sleep in our bed. But we have spent many a night in their rooms. When they are sick, or scared, or lonely we go to them. I think God works with us in much the same way. When we are gripped by fear, concerned about the unknown, or just lonely, he comes in and sits next to our bed. Maybe He puts His head on the pillow or drapes His arm over you but He makes his presen...